March-April, 1982
MEMORY ETERNAL! Archbishop Averky
The Fullness of Paschal Joy Is Only in Faithfulness to Christ
This year marks the sixth anniversary of he blessed repose of Archbishop Averky of Syracuse and holy Trinity Monastery, and we as Orthodox Christians should remember him in our prayers as one who truly loved the holy Orthodox Faith. In our time, authentic and true Orthodoxy -the Body of Christ-is being attacked from all sides . Our faithfulness to the teachings of the Orthodox Church is our only defense against those dangers which the Church has met and defeated in the past and which once more besiege her: heresy, ecumenism, opportunism, renovationism, modernism an d secularism. Archbishop Averky, of blessed memory, addresses himself to these issues in his writings so as to w a r n and protect us against the dangers of being weak-spirited or luke-warm concerning the faith in these difficult times when the holy Church is under attack lie saw very clearly that, for most, apostasy and betrayal of the teachings of Christ are less often conscious choices than they are sins of omission and carelessness. He not only addresses himself in a very practical way to the pitfalls which often ensnare the unsuspecting, the innocent believer, but also :shows us where the solid ground can be found upon which we can walk with confidence. The world's values, ideologies, priorities and criteria are in constant flux; they change and are replaced according to the fashion of the day; but we must remain constant to those eternal values and teachings which allow us to view the world in which we live objectively. The writings of Archbishop Averky are those of a loving Father who guides gently but with steadfastness. He urges us to concentrate on what is needful: to grow firm in our beliefs and to speak out in defense of our faith despite what is taking place around us. Vladika's spiritual counsels are rooted in his many years of experience as a good and true shepherd; they reflect how deeply he had studied the scriptures and the holy Fathers, and manifest his exceptional qualities as a teacher.
Brethren, let us remember in our prayers this wise arch-pastor who labored so much to give living water to thirsty souls in a dry land.
Fr. Demetrios Serfes |
(John 16:22)
(Canon of Pascha)
It is not without a special profound significance, as the great Father of the Church St. John Chrysostom, testifies, that in the night of Pascha, and then for the whole Paschal period, there is read in our churches the Divinely-inspired book of the Acts of the Apostles. This book, like none other, speaks to us in a lively and clear manner of the greatest truth of Christianity, the Resurrection of Christ, and contains primarily evidences of the Resurrection From it we learn that the Holy Apostles, in preaching the Gospel teaching, proclaimed first of all the good news of Christ crucified and risen from the dead, and it was precisely this teaching that had such a mighty effect on the hearers , capturing thousands of hearts in obedience to Christ.
And this is understandable; for there is nothing mankind so thirsts for as deliverance from the multitude of afflictions inevitably bound up with the "wages 'of sin," death (Rom. 6:23). Through the Resurrection of Christ death is conquered, the hellish power of sin is tramples down, and therefore we triumphantly glorify Pascha as a "deliverance from sorrow" (stichera of Pascha).
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